EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a tapping technique that uses acupuncture without needles (acupressure). It dissolves negative energies that you have stored in your body. Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points to restore balance to your body’s energy. EFT is a very powerful tool that will help you let go of your fears, worries and doubts. Negative emotions, which you carry around with you in everyday life and which block you, are thus dissolved.
The EFT tapping technique is a wonderful tool for self-application. So all small and big challenges in life can be mastered easier with help of EFT.
You can use EFT for:
- Emotional distress (anger, sadness, feelings of guilt, stress …)
- Fears and phobias (fear of heights, claustrophobia, fear of the dentist, fear of dogs …)
- Negative beliefs and convictions (I’m not good enough anyway, life is hard and unfair …)
- Physical complaints and pains if they are emotional (depression, migraines, back pain, sleep disorders, hay fever, itchy skin …)
- Psychological problems (alcohol addiction, no self-esteem, compulsions or tics in children …)
- Post-traumatic stress (after an accident, assault, psychological or physical violence, no matter how long ago the event was)
- and much more…