BodyCode / EmoCode®, Reiki, ThetaHealing®, Human Design Analysis, Bach Flowers & EFT

Reiki, ThetaHealing®, Human Design Analysis, Bach Flower Remedies & EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - YZMEE - by Pascale Begma.

Since September 2019 - Let us do some magic.

Welcome To My Website

Reiki Treatments, ThetaHealing®, Bach Flower Remedies, EFT Sessions & Human Design Analysis

My vision is about bringing as many as possible people and animals in their self-healing process. Self-healing is a process of recovery, motivated and directed by the patient himself. My goal is to help adults, children and animals to better manage, balance and process their emotions through different techniques.

Service offering


Body Code®

Everything in the world has energy and our bodies are no exception to this. Each part of our bodies has an energetic field, including our organs and tissues. Similarly, emotions, experiences, traumas, interactions…they all carry […]

Emotion Code®

The Emotion Code® is a form of energy work. This tool helps adults, children & animals, to get rid of their emotional baggage. This technique works to identify and release trapped emotions, which are harmful […]

Reiki Session

Reiki is a Japanese technique and a gentle and natural method of transmitting energy through the palms of the practitioner on your body to release physical and emotional tensions and to reharmonize your body’s energy […]


ThetaHealing® is a very powerful energy-healing technique that brings about physical, psychological and spiritual healing. During our life, we all have created beliefs and programs. These are beliefs and programs we learned from childhood, some […]

Bach Flower Remedies

The philosophy of the Bach Flower remedies of Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936 – pathologist, bacteriologist and British surgeon) is based on the theory that the disease occurs during an emotional imbalance. Dr. Bach devoted himself […]

Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a tapping technique that uses acupuncture without needles (acupressure). It dissolves negative energies that you have stored in your body. Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points to […]

Human Design

Have you ever wondered what makes you different from other people? The Human Design System is a logical synthesis of ancient and modern sciences. It combines Astrology, the Chakras, I Ching, Kabbalah, Quantum Physics and […]

Australian Bush Flower Essences

Australian Bush Flower Essences The Australian Bush Flower Essences were discovered and developed further by Ian White. As their name indicates, these Flower Essences are coming from Australia. Due to the diverse Australian Flora, they […]


Bach Flower Remedies

Personalized Session & Mixture 75€

Consultation + personalized bottle with flower essences (adults and children)

Mixture Only 25€

A 30 ml mixture containing your (or your pets) required Bach flower extract(s). This option is only possible after a personalized session (follow-up after a session)

Session & Mixture – Animals 75€

Consultation + personalized bottle with flower essences (animals)


Reiki Session 75€

One Reiki session of approximately 60 minutes in which your body, mind and spirit will be re-harmonized, through transmission of energy through the hands of the practitioner.

Human Design

Human Design Analysis for Newborn’s or Children 229€

One session of approximate 60 minutes, the newborn’s / child’s Chart and a written surprise analysis (10-12 pages)

Human Design Analysis 279€

One session of approximate 90 minutes, your Human Design Chart and a written personalized, summarized analysis (30-35 pages)

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT Session (Emotional Freedom Technique) 75€

Personal EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Session


ThetaHealing® Session 110€

Personal ThetaHealing® Session

Body/Emotion Code®

Body / Emotion Code® Session 95€

Body / Emotion Code® Session

About Me

Pascale Begma

My name is Pascale Heijnen-Begma. I live in Oberkorn, Luxembourg, I am married, have two children (a son of 33 and a stepdaughter of 28) and a 9 1/2 years old Golden Retriever dog Saya. […]


Saya is our Golden Retriever, a female dog which is 9 1/2 years old. She goes wherever we are going. She is used to be treated with Bach Flower remedies to balance her emotions.  


Ech spieren datt se mer gutt dinn, si ënnerstëtze mech wonnerbar. – T.M.

Et war definitiv déi beschten Idee bei dech ze kommen. Et geet mär an dem L. vill besser. T.M.

Ech si wierklech hellbegeeschtert dovun. Ech well op allefall ni méi ophalen domat, et ass Wahnsinn wéi gutt ech mech domat fillen. – C.B.

Ech si begeeschtert vun dengem Konzept a vun deem waats du mëss. L.Z.

(Menopause) Ech spiere mech vill besser a meng Hëtzen si ganz verschwonnen.  – C.M.

Pascale, ech wollt dir villmools Merci soe fir déi fantastesch Drëpsen. – N.B.

Make An Appointment

Use the below form to be contacted

Oberkorn, Luxembourg +352 691 660113
YZMEE - Pascale Begma
Oberkorn Luxembourg
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